Current Grants
Historic Grants
- Algorithmic Support for Massive Scale Distributed Systems (1st July 2020 - 30 April 2024)
PIs: Dr Natasha Shakhlevichco-PI: Prof. Jie Xu (Leeds), Prof. Thomas Erlebach (Leicester)Funder: EP/T01461X/1Project partners: Alibaba Group, Edgetic Ltd
- The Power of Graph Structure (June 1, 2021 - May 31, 2024)
Funder: DMS-EPSRC grant EP/V002813/1
Next Generation of Algorithms for Mixed Integer Linear Programming (April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2023)Funder: NIG-EPSRC grant EP/V00252X/1
- Sampling in Hereditary Classes (2019-2022)
PIs: Dr Haiko Mullerco-Investigator: Prof Martin DyerFunder: EPSRC EP/S016562/1
- Structure of Hereditary Graph Classes and Its Algorithmic Consequences (2016-2021)
PI: Prof Kristina Vušković
Funder: EPSRC (EP/N019660/1)
- Train unit scheduling optimisation (2015-2018)
PI: Dr Raymond Kwan
Funder: EPSRC (EP/M007243/1) - Train unit scheduling optimisation (2014-2018)
PI: Dr Raymond Kwan
Sponsor: First Rail Holdings Ltd - Fast and Accurate! Foundations and guarantees for Algorithms and AI (2019-2020)
PI: Dr Isolde Adler
Co-Investigators: Dr Haiko Muller, Dr Pan Peng, Dr Peter Nightingale, Dr James Cussens, Dr Sebastian Ordyniak
Funding: White Rose Consortium -
A New Dawn of Intuitionism: Mathematical and Philosophical AdvancesPIs: Prof. Michael Rathjen and Prof Olaf BeyersdorffJohn Templeton Foundation, 2017-2020
- Randomized algorithms for computer networks (2014-2017)
PI: Prof Martin Dyer
Funder: EPSRC (EP/M004953/1) - Correctness by Construction (2014-2017)
Coordinator: Prof Olaf Beyersdorff
Funder: EU, Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme - Scheduling with Resource and Job Patterns (2013-2016)
PI: Dr Natasha Shakhlevich
co-I: Prof. Vitaly Strusevich (Greenwich)
Funder: EPSRC EP/K041274/1 - Submodular Optimisation Techniques for Scheduling with Controllable Parameters (2013-2014)
PI: Dr Natasha Shakhlevich
co-I: Prof. Vitaly Strusevich (Greenwich)
Funder: EPSRC EP/J019755/1
- Algorithms for Perfect Graphs and Other Hereditary Graph Classes (2013-15)
PI: Prof Kristina Vušković
Funder: EPSRC grant (EP/K016423/1) - Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms for Hereditary Graph Classes, (2010-12)
PI: Prof Kristina Vušković
Funder: EPSRC grant (EP/H021426/1) - Decompositions and Algorithms, (2005-08)
PI: Prof Kristina Vušković
Funder: EPSRC grant (EP/C518225/1) - Graph Decompositions and Perfect Graphs, (2001-05)
PI: Prof Kristina Vušković
Funder: EPSRC grant (GR/R35629/01) - Graph Structure Theory and Algorithmic Applications (2011-2016)
PI: Dr Isolde Alder
Funder: German Research Council.